"Home is Where We Find Our Family"

After over 3 months now of living in Charlotte with my mother and stepfather, Jodi and I finally just closed on a town house. They are stuck with us for a few more weeks while we wait for our Georgia-stored stuff to join us in North Carolina. We are excited about achieving our goal of some serious empty nest downsizing that we probably never would have gotten around to doing if we had not moved out of Atlanta. We are going to learn how hard that is when our stored stuff proves to be too much stuff even though we worked really hard to give away or throw away as much as we could before we packed. We are VERY excited we will be within short walking distance from my brother and my sister-in-law. Actually, that excitement is really about their three young kids who will have an uncle and an aunt nearby with no busy roads to cross when they decide to run away from home someday for an afternoon—or when they need me to run over to read a bedtime story because my brother is not doing it rig...